WelÂcome to our online and fully funded health and social care coursÂes for adults aged 19 and over!
We offer a range of coursÂes, designed to help you develÂop the skills and knowlÂedge you need to sucÂceed in the healthÂcare indusÂtry. All of our coursÂes are availÂable online and are comÂpleteÂly free of charge, makÂing them an affordÂable option for indiÂvidÂuÂals and orgaÂniÂzaÂtions lookÂing to develÂop their busiÂness skills and knowledge.
These distance learning coursÂes are designed to be flexÂiÂble and accesÂsiÂble, with online options availÂable that allow you to learn at your own pace.

Discover our Courses
Our coursÂes covÂer topÂics such as health and safeÂty, demenÂtia awareÂness, and medÂicaÂtion adminÂisÂtraÂtion, and are taught by expeÂriÂenced proÂfesÂsionÂals in the healthÂcare industry.
Distance Learning allows you to gain a nationally recognised qualification with the flexibility of studying in your own time and in your own home. Funding will only cover one course per person at any one time. You are able to enrol onto another Distance Learning course once you have fully completed your current course.
- Level 2 courses fully funded
- Level 3 courses fully funded (if eligibility criteria is matched)
- Entirely online
- Nationally recognised qualifications
- For adults aged 19+
- A variety of subjects to choose from
- Study where you like, when you like
- Specialist support from dedicated tutors throughout
So, if you are looking to up-skill or retrain please take a look at our courses and enroll today!
Please note: An administration charge of £100 will be charged if learners do not complete the course within the allocated 16 weeks.
From August 2019, fundÂing deciÂsions for eduÂcaÂtion became devolved to local govÂernÂment in sevÂerÂal counÂties of England.
This transÂfer of fundÂing from cenÂtral govÂernÂment to comÂbined authorÂiÂties has creÂatÂed funÂdaÂmenÂtal changes to areas that we as an eduÂcaÂtion and trainÂing provider can operÂate in.
We regret that we are no longer able to proÂvide LevÂel 2 coursÂes for free, to the folÂlowÂing comÂbined authorÂiÂty areas: Greater ManÂchesÂter, LivÂerÂpool City, Tees ValÂley, West MidÂlands, Sheffield City, West MidÂlands, West of EngÂland and the North of Tyne ComÂbined AuthorÂiÂty (NTCA). If you are unsure if your postÂcode falls into one of the comÂbined authorÂiÂties, please email info@peterborough.ac.uk and we’ll be able to help you.
- LearnÂers must be aged 19 years or over as at 31/08/2022
- LearnÂers must have lived in the EU for the last three years
- LearnÂers must curÂrentÂly reside in EngÂland, in a post code outÂside of Greater ManÂchesÂter, LivÂerÂpool City, Tees ValÂley, West MidÂlands, Sheffield City, Greater LonÂdon, West of EngÂland and the North of Tyne ComÂbined AuthorÂiÂty (NTCA).
Please note:Â You may be asked to proÂvide eviÂdence of eligibility.