Apprenticeships combine on the job training with formal learning opportunities in College.
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For opportunities that become available, please check our industry apprenticeship vacancies.
Apprentices earn a wage and work alongside experienced staff to gain job–specific skills. If you are interested in training for your dream career or interested in changing profession an Apprenticeship could be for you.
Explore our apprenticeship courses, tailored to bridge the gap between education and industry, and pave the way for a promising career.
At the beginning of your apprenticeship you will attend a College induction where you will be introduced to all the services available.
All apprentices are assigned a mentor. Your mentor, usually an experienced member of staff, will assist you in settling into your workplace.
Every apprentice will meet with a Trainer Assessor every 8-12 weeks. Your Assessor will check your progression and provide help and support.
An Apprenticeship Liaison Officer is available at the College to monitor your progression, help with any problems you may encounter and act as a point of contact for both you and your employer.
For opportunities that become available, please check our industry apprenticeship vacancies.
I believe my apprenticeship instilled in me a profound sense of responsibility, determination, and perseverance in pursuing my goals
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