The Beacon Awards, designed to celebrate exemplary practices, that promotes innovation, impact and sustainability in the colleges approach to the Mental Health and Wellbeing of their community .
With established and effective referral pathways and strategic relationships with voluntary sector groups including Mindspace, YMCA trinity, NHS Healthy Minds and Kooth IEG have been able to offer different ways to support students whilst raising awareness of preventive approaches and the benefits of their ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ scheme.
IEGs application was able to demonstrate their comprehensive mental health strategy , underpinned by strong leadership, effective management, and governance support, enabling a culture of positive wellbeing. This includes; the provision of highly effective initiatives such as Free breakfast for staff and students, Menopause Café, Employee Assistance Programme and Mental Health Champions whilst offering targeted support and a continued commitment to training and development for staff and students .
Sarah Young, Vice Principal for Student and Staff Experience said, “This commendation from the AoC stands as a testament to IEG’s unwavering